Saturday, 2 February 2013

Still Life: Form & Shape

The shading brings out the shape of the objects and also would show the composition better if there was more of it. The concave on the force feeder works with the foreshortening of the front of the object to show where it is facing with the other objects. The main focal point of this drawing is the large jug as that is the first thing the eye sees because of the size of the object and the shading.The first area of interest would be the flowers because of the conclaves used for the petals. The second area of interest would be the bottle as it is the darkest object in the drawing so the eye would be interested with it

The drawing can be followed with the lines of the objects starting from the the top of the large vase it then follows the line down to the rim of the small jug along  two the flowers, along the vase, to the small jugs handle, up slightly up the large vase, to the object behind it to the bottle then the rock and the force feeder.However because there is no folds or shading the empty space between the rock and the large jug breaks the flow of the image. The drawing has a ok balance of light and darkness which goes diagonally from top left to bottom right, because of this the direction of the light is shown making the composition look more three dimensional.   

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