Monday, 25 March 2013

Figure: Anatomy Refresher

The anatomy is good as the cranium is shaped right and the foreshortening on the clavicle is ok which makes the angle of the figure ok. The Humerus is ok and in proportion however the Bicep might be a little small. The Femur, Tibia and the Fibula are in proportion and the muscles surrounding them are not  to large to make them unreal.This is a static pose as the figure is lying down on the mattress and the figure can be in this pose for a long time. The gesture in this drawing is important because without the leg being bent up and held up from the foot. If that knee was not higher then the rest of the figure the drawing would loose life and it would be a lot less interesting for the eye.

There is a real sense of depth for the legs mostly because of the shading on the back of the leg and the on the drapery underneath the knee which really adds to the drawing. The ankle also gives depth to the foot which brings out the foot and makes the figure more realistic.The relative scale of the drawing is strong as the everything looks to be measured to the size of the cranium vertically and horizontally meaning that the anatomy of the figure is correct.

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