Monday, 25 March 2013

Figure: Movement

This drawing effectively shows that the person is moving due to the change of the pose. The curve of the figures spine changes as the arms push back the stick, as that happens the head angles down which also shows that this figure is moving. The balance of the figure is helped by the stick and the positioning of the hands on it. The positioning and proportion of the feet helps give the body of the figure balance because they are not  too large making it look unrealistic or too far making it impossible for the figure to stand.The figure starts in and open form because of the arm being stretched out however as the figure moves the it starts to become more of a closed form due mostly to the arms coming on to the body. This is a dynamic pose due to the movement of the stick which at the start the eye can see the stick will be going back as the figure moves forward.

The proportion and relative scale in this drawing is good vertically because all of the figures limbs have been correctly measured by the head. however there is a problem with the horizontal measurement as the arm on the right which is reaching down is too far down and should be closer to the torso. The angles in this drawing are vital because they show the movement between each drawing. The angles on the arms are the most important because the stick is the thing that is always in a different position  in each drawing, without the angles the middle and the left drawings will not be accurate with the drawing on the right.  The axis of the figure was defined by the spine which also shows how the shoulder are with the stretched arms. This  was drawn externally which could explain the horizontal proportion. Instead of drawing the contour of the figure an internal approach  which shows the direction of the ribs and pelvis would have  helped to capture the pose in each drawing which would show how the figure is moving.

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